Everyone needs a place to belong, find your fit with us!

Men's Ministry
Meets Tuesdays at 7pm in the Upper Hall.
Contact Jim for more info at
Women's Ministry
Meet Tuesdays at The Tab at 1805 - 9 Avenue North
Doors open at 6:30pm, study begins at 7pm
Contact Cheryl for more details at

Young Adults
Our Young Adults group meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at various locations.
This group prioritizes community, engaging scripture, deepening our relationships with and understanding of God, and service to the community.
Email Carter at to join the young adults' email list or follow the group on Instagram @morethantwelve to stay up to date.
Miz Youth is for students in grades 8-12 and runs weekly on Monday evenings at the Miz from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. This group is a place for students to learn and grow in their relationships with God, each other, and leaders.
Email to be added to the parent email list, or follow the group on Instagram @themizcityyouth to stay informed.

Kidz Ministry
Kids ministry is available during our 11am worship service.
Sign in starts at 10:45.
MizLittlez: 18 months - 5 years
MizKidz: Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Bridge: Grades 5-7
If you're interested in volunteering in this ministry, contact Kaila:
Oasis 55+
This Miz ministry is for anyone age 55+
Join us every 1st Saturday of the month for a delightful evening of fellowship and food. Doors open at 5pm with a potluck dinner starting at 5:30 pm. For more information email